AIS-UNAM 2024 has preferential price in these two hotels. These are the closest hotels to the congress venue (approximately 15 minutes from UNAM). In front of them is a shopping center, Perisur.
- Hotel Radisson Paraíso Perisur, Ciudad de México. ****
Address: Cuspide 53, Colonia Parques del Pedregal, Tlalpan, Ciudad de México, 14010, México
Tel. +52 55 59275959
Estimate price per night: from: 89 USD.
Please call or send an email to and mention the name of the code
“14th Biennial Conference of AIS, UNAM 2024”
More information about preferential rate
- Hotel Royal Pedregal. ****
Address: Periférico Sur 4363, Colonia Jardines de la Montaña, C.P. 14210 Delegación Tlalpan. Ciudad de México.
Tel: 800 007 3845 (ext. 1969 y 1989)
WhatsApp: 55 1948 7806
Estimate price per night: from: 95 USD.
Other good options close to UNAM (approximately 20 minutes from UNAM):
- Hotel City Express Plus Insurgentes Sur. ***
Address: Av. Insurgentes Sur No. 1581, Col. San José Insurgentes, Benito Juárez, Ciudad de México, México, C.P. 3900
Tel: +52 55 5249 8080
Estimate price per night: from: 110 USD.
- Fiesta Inn Periférico Sur. ****
Address: Periferico Sur 5530, Pedregal de Carrasco, Coyoacán, 04700 Ciudad de México, CDMX Copiar la dirección
Tel: +52 443 310 81 37
Estimate price per night: from: 110 USD.
Accommodations at Coyoacan
At the same time, we highly recommend looking for accommodation in Coyoacan neighborhood, about 25 minutes from UNAM. On this page it is possible to find a wide variety of accommodation of all kinds from 60 USD per night.
Coyoacan is one of the best-known neighborhoods in Mexico City. Located in the southern part of CDMX, the Magical District of Coyoacan is an essential place for Mexican capital. Artists, graffiti writers, tarot readers, organ grinders, mimes, or esquite vendors mix to form a vital and singular ecosystem. Add to that some of the best colonial-style buildings, cobblestone streets, museums, and lively plazas, are located in Coyoacan. Some essentials of Coyoacan are: the Frida Kalho Museum, the Museum of Popular Cultures, Museum of Interventions, Coyoacán Nurseries, the House-Museum of Leon Trotsky (who ended his days in exile in Mexico City), the National Cinematheque of Mexico, among others.
In any case, we always suggest contacting directly to the hotel.