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Academic Profile
I’m an assistant professor of history at Texas Christian University and spending the academic year of 2010/ 2011 in Berlin as a EUME post doctoral fellow at ZMO. I’m currently writing a book manuscript tentatively entitled Mechanizing People, Localizing Modernity: Industrialization and Social Transformation in Modern Egypt. In addition to social history of modern Egypt, my main fields of inquiry include the mutual cultural and social influence between Egyptians and Iranians in since late 19th and throughout 20th centuries. In several scholarly presentations and publications I have been tracing how Iranian and Egyptian intellectuals grew infatuated by each other’s culture enough to make it a substantial source of making their modernity. I also translate from modern Persian literature into Arabic and happy to complete an Arabic translation of Moniro Ravanipour’s beautiful novel Ahl-e Gharq. That translation is under consideration for publication through the National Project of Translation in Egypt.
Sample Publications
Mechanizing People, Localizing Modernity: Industrialization and Social Transformation in Modern Egypt, in preparation
“Countering Colonialism and Nationalism: Handloom weavers and the transition to mechanical industry in 20th Century Egypt” submitted to Past& Present
“Relocating a common past and the making of East-centric modernity: Islamic and Secular nationalism(s) in Egypt and Iran” submitted for Rethinking Iranian Nationalism, edited by Afshin Marashi and Kamran Aghaie.
“Between Egyptian National Purity and Local Flexibility: Prostitution in al-Mahalla al-Kubra in the First Half of the Twentieth Century” in Journal of Social History, March 2011.
“Khomeini and the Iranian Revolution in the Egyptian Press: From Fascination to Condemnation” in Radical History Review, September 2009, 39- 57.
“Ahl-e Gharaq,” a novel by Moniro Ravanipor, in preparation.
“Al Tariq al-Masdud” a poem by Ahmad Shamlu, in al-Qahira, May 2002.
Field of Research
history of modern Middle East
Current Position
assistant professor,
Texas Christian University