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Karin Ruehrdanz

Dr. sc. phil.

Academic Profile

Art of the Islamic lands; specialized in the arts of the book

Sample Publications

most recent: 2012 “The Samarqand Shahnamas in the Context of Dynastic Change,” in Shahnama Studies II: The Reception of Firdausi’s Shahnama, eds. Charles Melville and Gabrielle van den Berg, Leiden & Boston (Brill), pp. 213-233, pls. 19-22. - “Between Astrology and Anatomy: Updating Qazwīnī’s ‘Ajā’ib al-makhlūqāt in Mid-Sixteenth-Century Iran,” Ars Orientalis 42, pp. 56-66. 2011 “The response to the Persian art objects at the World’s Fair in 1873 and their impact on the museumslandschaft in Vienna,” in Figures pionnières de l’orientalisme: convergences européennes, eds. Isabelle Gadoin, Živa Vesel (= Res Orientales, XX), Paris, Louvain (Peeters), pp. 301-308. 2009 “Miniatures of the Bukharan court atelier in a copy of Khwājū Kirmānī’s Khamsa dated 1087/1667-68,” in Écrit et culture en Asie centrale et dans le monde turco-iranien, Xe-XIXe siècles/Writing and Culture in Central Asia and the Turko-Iranian world, 10th-19th centuries, eds. Francis Richard et Maria Szuppe (=Studia Iranica, cahier 40), Paris, Leuven (Association pour l’avancement des études iraniennes/Peeters), pp. 375-402.

Field of Research

Islamic art

Current Position

Senior Curator, Royal Ontario Museum