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Ryoko Watabe


Sample Publications

"Murshid fi al-Hisab: Persian Accounting Manual in the 13th Century Iran under Mongol rule" in Y. Takamatsu (ed) The Pervasion of Persian Bookkeeping in the Islamic World. Tokyo, 2011: 9-35. (Japanese) http://www.tbias2.jp/PDF/watabe.pdf "A Description of the History of Shabankaras in the Daftar-i Dilgusha: A Study on Persian Verse Historiography (Tarikh-i Manzuma) as a Historical Material of the Mongol Period." Jochi Asia Shigaku 25 (2007): 49-80.(Japanese) http://ci.nii.ac.jp/els/110006992541.pdf?id=ART0008904544&type=pdf&lang=jp&host=cinii&order_no=&ppv_type=0&lang_sw=&no=1372377775&cp= "Persian Insha' manuals in the Mongol Period." Orient 46-2 (2004): 197-224. (Japanese)

Current Position

part-time lecturer, University of Tokyo