The Association for Iranian Studies will be holding its Thirteenth Biennial Conference at the University of Salamanca, Spain, at the Faculty of Philology from August 30 to September 2, 2022. The conference includes a book exhibit by publishers of titles of general interest to scholars as well as the wider reading public in various fields of Iranian and Iran-related cultures, literature, arts, religions, and civilizations. The book exhibit offers space for individual as well as combined displays.
Display Table Assignments and Pricing
$500 entitles you to a Display Table - 200 cm x8 0 cm (6 ft x 2 ft) table plus 2 chairs
Space and exhibit display set-ups
For further information about hours and set-up times please consult the Conference Information page.
If publishers cannot pay via the website, checks can be mailed to the AIS Executive Office. Inquiries: Professor Rivanne Sandler,