The AIS Conference to Journal Paper award aims to recognize AIS members who are either PhD students or early career scholars and support them in the development of peer-reviewed work. The award winner will receive $300 and will be mentored through the review process at the Iranian Studies journal by a senior member of the AIS academic community. Such a mentor will be identified on the basis of the disciplinary field and topic of the awarded conference paper. In addition, the desk review process at Iranian Studies will be skipped for the awardee and the journal will commit to sending the paper directly to external reviewers for the final decision about publication. The winner of the award will be announced at the AIS biennial conferences by the chair of the mentorship committee.
Extended Deadline: June 30, 2024
The 2024 Award Committee
Nahid Siamdoust (Chair)
Paola Rivetti
Hosna Sheikholeslami
The applicant must be a current AIS member, have registered for Mexico City 2024, and have a paper accepted to the conference, although they do not need to be present at the time of the award announcement.
The applicant must be an advanced PhD student/candidate or an early career researcher (within 5 years since the award of the PhD).
The paper must be on the same topic on which the applicant is presenting at the biennial conference.
The paper needs to be an original unpublished work from any discipline on any topic within the field of Iranian Studies.
The top criteria for selection are the originality of sources and argument, innovative analysis, and contribution to the field.
When two or more submissions are assessed as equally excellent, the judging committee will give priority to works whose author(s) has not been published in English before.
How to apply
Send the paper with a short biography (150 words max) and CV to mentorship@associationforiranianstudies.org, indicating the disciplinary field to which the paper is contributing.
Dissertation advisors, panel organizers, or panel chairs may also nominate a candidate.
AIS particularly encourages papers from members in institutions outside of North America to apply.
The word count for a paper in Iranian Studies is between 8,000 and 15,000 words, inclusive of the abstract, tables, references, figure captions.
2024 Winner
- Awardee: Fateme Montazeri, (University of California - Berkeley)
2022 Winner
- Awardee: Amanda Leong’s, (UC Merced) Contesting Patriarchal Kingship: The Humayunnama as a “Mirror for Princesses””
- Honorable Mention: Isabelle Headrick