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Chad Lingwood


Sample Publications

“Kamāl al-Dīn Banā‘ī’s Bahrām va Bihrūz: A Persian Romance qua Mirror for Princes in Light of Aq Qoyunlu History,” Middle Eastern Literatures 24, no. 3 (2023): 209-27.

“A Parvānchī Turned Poet Dilettante: History and the Persian Ghazals of Āq Qoyūnlū Statesman Najm al-Dīn Mas‘ūd Sāvajī (d. ca. 898/1493),” International Journal of Persian Literature 5, (2020): 63-84.

“Trading Pearls for Beads: Jāmī’s Qaṣīdas in Praise of Sulṭān Yaʿqūb and Their Significance to Āq Qoyūnlū History,” in Jāmī in Regional Contexts: The Reception of ‘Abd al-Raḥmān Jāmī’s Works in the Islamicate World, ca. 9th/15th-14th/20th Century, ed. Thibault d’Hubert and Alexandre Papas (Leiden: Brill, 2018), 256-82.

Politics, Poetry, and Sufism in Medieval Iran: New Perspectives on Jāmī's Salāmān va Absāl. Studies in Persian Cultural History, vol. 5. Leiden: Brill, 2013.

"Jāmī's Salāmān va Absāl: Political Statements and Mystical Advice Addressed to the Āq Qoyūnlū Court of Sultān Ya`qūb (d. 896/1490)." Iranian Studies 44, no. 2 (2011): 175-91.

"'The qebla of Jāmi is None Other than Tabriz': ʿAbd al-Rahmān Jāmi and Naqshbandi Sufism at the Aq Qoyunlu Royal Court." Journal of Persianate Studies 4 (2011): 233-45. 

Field of Research

Medieval Iranian history and classical Persian literature

Current Position

Associate Professor, Grand Valley State University