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Jo-Ann Gross


Sample Publications

Jo-Ann Gross, Musul'manskaya Tsentral'naya Aziya: Religioznost' i Obshchestvo - Izbrannye Stat'i (Islamic Central Asia: Religiosity and Society - Collected Works). Russian translation and critical introduction by Lola Dodkhoudoeva (Dushanbe, 2004). Jo-Ann Gross and Asom Urunbaev, The Letters of Khwaja ‘Ubayd Allah Ahrar and His Associates (Brill Publishers, 2002). The volume includes the English translation of 257 letters, Persian facsimile, three introductory chapters, notes, bibliography, and Persian and English indices. Jo-Ann Gross, ed., Muslims in Central Asia: Expressions of Identity and Change, Duke University Press, 1992. “Foundational Legends, Shrines, and Isma’ili Identity in Tajik Badakhshan,” in Muslims and Others in Sacred Space,” ed. by Margaret Jean Cormack,” (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2012). “The Naqshbandīya Connection: From Central Asia to India and Back (16th–19th Centuries),” in India and Central Asia, 16th to 19th Centuries, ed. by Scott C. Levi (Oxford University Press, 2007), 232-259. “Naqshbandi Appeals to the Herat Court,” Festschrift on Islamic Central Asia in Honor of Yuri Bregel, ed. by Devin DeWeese (Indiana University Press, 2001), 113-128.

Current Position

Professor, The College of New Jersey